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Αλήθεια έχουμε αναρωτηθεί ποτέ τι σημαίνουν ακρωνύμια όπως BRB, TY, AFT, τα οποία τα βλέπουμε συχνά στο Internet; Ιδού λοιπόν ένα πολύ χρήσιμο λεξικό του…

  • 1 = One, exclamation mark
  • 2 = To, Too or Two
  • 4 = For or Four
  • AFAP = As Far As Possible
  • A&F, AAF = Always And Forever
  • A3 = Anywhere, Any time, Any place
  • AA = Alcoholics Anonymous
  • AAB = Average At Best
  • AAK = Alive And Kicking
  • AAMOF = As A Matter Of Fact
  • AAP = Always A Pleasure
  • AAR = At Any Rate
  • AAYF = As Always, Your Friend
  • ABD = Already Been Done
  • ABΗ = Actual Bodily Harm
  • ABN = *sshole By Nature
  • ABT = Absolutely
  • ABT = About
  • ADM = All Day Long
  • ADMIN = Administrator
  • ADN = Any Day Now
  • AEAE = And Ever And Ever
  • AEAP = As Early As Possible
  • AFAIAC = As Far As I Am Concerned
  • AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned
  • AFAICS = As Far As I Can See
  • AFAICT = As Far As I Can Tell
  • AFAIK = As Far As I Know
  • AFAIR = As Far As I Remember
  • AFC = Away From Computer
  • AFD = All F***ing Day
  • AFT = About F***ing Time
  • AGW= All Going Well
  • Aight = Are you alright, Yo
  • ALOL = Actually Laughing Out Loud
  • ANY1 = Anyone
  • AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something?
  • B = Be
  • B4 = Before
  • Bb = Bye Bye, Goodbye
  • BBIAB = Be back in a bit
  • BBL = Be back later
  • BBS = Be back soon
  • BD = Big deal
  • BRB = Be right back
  • BRB = Be right back or Bath-room break
  • BRT = Be right there
  • BTW = By the way
  • C = See
  • CSWS = Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop
  • CU = See you
  • CUL = See you later
  • Cuz = Because
  • CYA = See you
  • CYS = Check your settings
  • Da = The
  • Dat = That
  • Der = There
  • DIAF = Die in a fire
  • Dunno = Dont know
  • FAQ = Frequently asked questions
  • FOAD = F**** off and die
  • FTL = For the loss
  • FTUW = For the uber win
  • FTW = For the win
  • FWIW = For what it’s worth
  • FYI = For your information
  • G2G / GTG = Got to go
  • GAL = Get a life
  • GFY = Good for you
  • GG = Good game, Good going
  • GIYF = Google is your friend
  • GL = Good luck
  • Gonna = Going to
  • HAND = Have a nice day
  • HS = Holy sh*t!
  • HTH = Hope this helps
  • IACL = I am currently laughing
  • IANAL = I am not a lawyer
  • IANARS = I am not a rocket scientist
  • IC = I see
  • ICYDK = In case you didn’t know
  • IDGI = I don’t get it
  • IDK = I don’t know
  • Iggy = Igloo
  • IIRC = If I recall correctly
  • ILY or ILU = I love you
  • IMHO = In my honest opinion
  • IMNSHO = In my not so honest opinion
  • IMO = In my opinion
  • IRL = In real life
  • ITT = In this thread
  • IYDMMA = If you don’t mind me asking
  • JJ = Just joking
  • JK = Just kidding
  • JOOC = Just out of curiosity
  • JP = Just playing
  • K = Okay
  • KK = Ok Cool or Ok Kewl
  • KL = kool, cool
  • Kwl = Cool
  • L8r = Later
  • LLAH = Laughing like a Hyena
  • LMAO = Laughing my *ss off
  • LMFAO = Laughing my f*cking *ss off
  • LOL = Laugh out loud
  • LQTM = Laugh quietly to myself
  • M8 = Mate
  • MYOB = Mind your own business
  • NLS = Not Life Safe
  • NOYB = None of your business
  • NP = No problem
  • NSFW = Not Safe For Work
  • Nvm = Never Mind
  • NVM = Never mind
  • NWS = Not Work Safe
  • O = Oh
  • O3 = Out Of Office
  • OGC = Man J*cking Off
  • OIC = Oh, I see
  • OJ = Only Joking
  • OMG = Oh my God!, Oh my Goodness!,
  • OOC = Out of Character
  • OP = Original Poster, Original Post
  • OT = Off topic
  • PEBKAC = Problem exists between the keyboard and the chair
  • Pic = Picture
  • PITA = Pain in the *ss
  • Pix = Pictures
  • Plz, Pls = Please
  • PMSL = Pissing, pissed myself laughing
  • POS = Piece of sh*t
  • PPL = People
  • PTTL = Pop to the loo
  • RL = Real life
  • ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
  • ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my *ss off
  • ROFLMAOL = Rolling on the floor laughing my *ss out loud
  • Shudda = Should have
  • SMH = Shaking my head
  • SO = Significant other
  • SOS = Same old sh*t
  • soz, srry = Sorry
  • SSDD = Same sh*t, different day
  • STFW = Search the f*cking web
  • Sup = What’s up?
  • sup homes = What’s up, friend?
  • SWW = Sorry, wrong window – typing in the wrong box
  • Thnx = Thanks
  • Tho = Though
  • TIA = Thanks in advance
  • TTFN = Ta ta for now
  • TTYL = Talk to you later
  • TTYT = Talk to you tomorrow
  • TY = Thank you
  • TYT = Take your time
  • U = You
  • W8 = Wait
  • Wanna = Want to
  • WB = Welcome back
  • Wd = Well done
  • WDUWTA? = What do you want to talk about?
  • Wile = While
  • WOOT = We own the other team
  • WTF? = What the F***?
  • WURSC = Wow, you are so cool
  • YCM = You copied me
  • Ye = Yeah, Yes
  • YMMV = Your mileage may vary
  • Yo = Hey, Your
  • YSVW = You are so very welcome
  • YW= You are welcome

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  /www.neolaia.gr   Posted by Anexartitos.Ta.Neα

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. Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι υιοθετούμε τις απόψεις αυτές. 
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